Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Party time

Have an online party if in home parties arent your thing.
With an online party all you have to do is collect as many guest emails as you can & send out a mass message to everyone & still get the same benefits (host specials & free product) as an in home hostess would. its that easy!!! let me know if you'd be interested & I'll get the party started!!

Read more on hosting here:!twx$eparty_ctl.p_dispatch?pv_v=online_party

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Special Offer

I'm going to go ahead and allow anyone to purchase this special offer. It is a classic servalier salad bowlet set at a value of $30 and is now selling for only $15. This offer is at 50% off! let me know if you're interested.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tupperware Rally

So, tonight I attended my first Tupperware rally. I'm so glad I did, it was super informative, I got to meet fellow team members, I earned a license plate frame after being acknowledged for my monthly sales, I won a cook book in a raffle & got a free servalier bowl for being a new consultant. Best of all, we were presented this adorable cake for all our hard work in the month of May. I left super happy & ready for whatever June has in store for me. Go Team Bee-Dazzled!

Tupperware Art

The Tupperware Shape-O Ball Toy beautifully displayed and made by USA.

June Challenge

I have been challenged to sell 15 of these Summer Snack Sets by Friday. This is a 9 piece set for ONLY $30. It has a container for all of your snacking needs, whether youre going into work or to the beach this set is perfect for quick, compact, snack packing! Contact me today to order your set. This offer is not available online. Offer ends Friday, June 7.